Build Relationships Effectively and Develop Yourself

Ministry of Hearts

Love connects hearts
Call to me and I will answer you
and tell you great and unsearcheable things you do not know
Jeremiah 33:3

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I would give you rest
Matthew 11:28
Do you feel stressed, tired and in need of a time-out?
What if you could just sit down, relax and spend time taking a walk with God. Thereafter, be accompanied by a spiritual coach who listens and helps you clarify your thoughts.
Taking 2 hours off from the busyness of life to spend time with God can be a lifestyle which helps you to draw closer to God and someone to talk to and journey with you without feeling judged.
Take time to relax, refresh and renew in the presence of God
How does it work?
The 2-hour session begins with a time of quietening down and take a slow walk to enjoy time alone with God. Thereafter, Susan, would walk through with you your experience and be the spiritual companion for the issue you would like to talk about.
Pick a place
in nature
It could be a neighbourhood park, garden or beach where you can walk leisurely
Space and time to soak into nature
Enjoy the natural environment and sense the creation and presence of God.
Reflect your thoughts, feelings and experience in the walk to process what God could be saying or showing you.

What people say in their reflections

Book a Session with Susan

Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me
Song of Solomon 2:10